Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our set

Our show @ Poplar Creek in New Berlin WI - playing with Dan Lawonn -
will be back

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Here we are with the host herself- Ellie Lafaro- She invited us one
condition- we must participate in the talent show-I played and made
Bekah sing! Pizza was good, but the NY bakery cookies were awesome!
Thanks Aunt Ellie!

Last night we got to hang out with some of my friends from NY in VA at
the Lafaro's pizza party taken show! Maria and her new husband Matt
French and her sister Gina. Great catching up. Rebekah, me, Gina, Matt
and Maria

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tad Agoglia - Top 10 CNN Hero - he used to go to my home church. Now
he runs a first response team in the US for natural disaster. Check
out his website - check out his equipment-

The Moore girls at work in the kitchen- Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh yeah I just paid $2 for gas - whoohoo! - Willmington DE

Sometimes it's better to have live action band shots-no ketchup stains
were aquired. Great time playing at Real Life Youth with Ben, Andrew,
Brandon, and Eric- thanks boys!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mass renewal of vows- it was one big- "you may now kiss your wife"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Date 2 - Married Couples Weeked - Strasburg PA - There must be
something about the rain- we can't get away from it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's in- hot of the press- our new CD has arrived- looking forward to
sharing it with you all- iTunes will follow in a few weeks. So nice to
finally have it in hand. I hope and pray that God uses it to bless
others- always amazed that he gives me songs. Thanks God!

Monday, November 3, 2008

This is the church we were at this weekend - Philadelphia Church
Seattle, WA. This sign is a landmark in the community. This sign was
once cutting edge then outdated and now old enough to be considered
retro with a very renissance city. (joseph garrastegui would being
taking pictures like crazy around here- this ones for you)

Whoosh! There it goes! Good thing I didn't want this one

Blue C's - If you like sushi this is the place to go- but move fast or
the sushi will pass you by.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Worship at Philadelphia Church Wired Worship service. Great band.
Loud. A bit deaf at the moment. Bekah and
I are sick but somehow still able to sing and worship- a bit of that
extraordinary strength. This morning went great as well. Now for
fellowship and food. I could get used to all the food- very nice

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Original Statbucks- how cool is that


We happened upon this troll under a bridge. Check out the VW Bug in
his hand.

The docks in Seattle. The weather is overcast and drizzling- typical
day in Seattle.

This is where they film Deadliest Catch- how cool